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Persevering through the inclement weather, Lap the Lake in Vernon was a roaring success! U19 and Masters rowers took to the water and set a new course record. We saw some incredible work and dedication from all of these athletes including those that travelled over thirteen hours to race. Congratulations to all athletes and a big thank you to all the fantastic umpires and volunteers that made the event happen. The Regatta truly would not have been able to run without all of their help.

We also had an incredible development camp day on Sunday in Vernon, with Rowing BC Director of Performance, Terry Paul. With participants coming from across BC, Rowing BC hosted its U19 and Masters development camp where athletes were able to get one on one coaching both on and off the water. Physiotherapy and proper lifting techniques, led by Gravity Physiotherapy, were featured during the off water coaching with a Q and A after for all athletes. Thanks to all those involved in making this camp happen and bringing their expertise and support. 

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