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Hosting a Regatta in BC

Organizations hosting a regatta in BC must follow the steps below to have their event appropriately approved, covered by insurance, and officiated by RCA Umpires.

Questions about hosting a regatta, and the sanction process can be sent to

Your process to host a regatta in BC:

Each Fall, Rowing BC will release a date request form for Local Organizing Committees (LOCs) to use to request dates for their regatta(s). When the deadline passes, Rowing BC will review the dates to create a confirmed regatta calendar for the upcoming year. Rowing BC makes every effort to post the regatta calendar for two years at a time to assist teams and regatta organizers with longterm planning. When it comes to confirming regatta dates, please note:

  • Confirmation is not automatic
  • An effort will be made to avoid more than one regatta on any given day, despite what has occurred in the past.
  • Requests for new regattas, or significant change to an existing regatta, will require discussion with Rowing BC.

View the current regatta and events calendar HERE.

The Rowing BC Umpire Committee will assign a Chief Umpire (CU) to each event. LOCs must work with their CU to complete the sanction application.

For the 2025 regatta year, LOCs can expect to be contacted with an announcement of their CU by the following dates:

  • Q1 (Jan – Mar) Events – November 12, 2024
  • Q2 (Apr – Jun) Events – January 10, 2025
  • Q3 (Jul – Sep) Events – April 3, 2025
  • Q4 (Oct – Dec) Events – July 4, 2025

For events with complex permitting requirements who need their sanction application finalized early, reach out to the Umpire Committee ( by December 20, 2024 to indicate that you need an early CU appointment. Otherwise, it is assumed that you will have your CU announced according to the dates above.

If you would like to submit a sanction event earlier, reach out to the Rowing BC Umpire Committee to request a CU to be assigned earlier. Note that early requests can take up to 4 weeks to fill.

All regattas must follow RCA’s Event Sanction Policy and submit a Sanction Application in order to have the event sanctioned. Sanction allows the regatta to be covered by RCA insurance and officiated by RCA Umpires.  Umpires are responsible for keeping regattas both safe and fair for all participants.

The CU *MUST* be involved in the creation and completion of the sanction application.

All Sanction Applications are submitted online through the RCA Web Registration System. Detailed instructions for the RCA online sanction application are in the Resources section below.

Sanction applications are due two months ahead of each event, though they may also be submitted anytime earlier. This is a hard deadline. Events which do not meet the deadline will be unable to run.

Once submitted through the RCA Web Registration System, Rowing BC’s Regatta Committee will review your sanction application and connect with you about any questions or required edits. Reviews are done on a rolling basis as sanction applications are received. You should expect to hear from the Regatta Committee within one week of submitting your sanction application.

Requested adjustments to address deficiencies in the sanction application must be addressed before one month until the event date. This is a hard cut off. Events which do not meet the deadline will be unable to run.

During the review, your event details will be posted to Regatta Central so that you can begin building your regatta website. Registration cannot open until the final approval is given to your sanction application.

Once all questions and required edits to your sanction application have been addressed, the Rowing BC Regatta Committee will send your sanction application to the Rowing BC Board for final approval. Once approved, your event will be marked as such in the RCA Web Registration system, which also triggers Regatta Central to allow registrations to open for your event.

Within 30 days after your event, the CU will write a CU Report which will be shared with your LOC, as well as with Rowing BC. The feedback and information contained in this report is a valuable resource for continuous improvement of your event in future years.

Additional Resources for Regatta Hosts:

The resources below are intended to assist Local Organizing Committees in the process of preparing a regatta sanction application, or while planning aspects of the regatta:

Please note the following about the RCA Web Registration System:

  • An application can be saved as a draft as long as there is something in each of the fields – even just one character. To return to a previously saved application, log on to the system and scroll to the bottom of your “My Account” page. There is a section for your proposed events where you will be able to re-open an application.
  • Once an application has been submitted, you will no longer be able to edit it. An automated alert will be sent from the RCA Web Registration System notifying Rowing BC staff that your application has been submitted.

Regatta Central

Regatta Central is the registration website that all events across Canada are required to use. When your sanction application is received by staff, Rowing BC will trigger your event details to be shared with Regatta Central. This will allow you to begin creating the registration website. No registrations can be processed until full sanction is approved. For help setting up the event details in Regatta Central, contact

Regatta Fees

All sanctioned events in BC will be assessed Rowing Canada and Rowing BC Seat Fees for participants. The fee will be auto-calculated through the RegattaCentral system.

For support with any aspect of this process, please reach out to

Rowing BC has a curated selection of physical regatta infrastructure components available for rent to any Local Organizing Committee – saving you the cost of the initial purchase and storage! All rentals are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Full details HERE.

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